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Instagram Advertising

Trust in numbers; a reliable Manchester-based Instagram Ads Agency service rooted in data

We’ll show you how to use Instagram like a business, not a user.

There are currently over one billion Instagram users. One billion. No matter what services you provide or products you sell, with a number like that there are bound to be thousands upon thousands of people that will be interested in what you offer. 

What we can help you do is find the members of your audience that are ready to convert and create expert ads that target them directly with reels, stories, posts and more. You can filter by age, location, gender, interests, profession; whatever you need to find your customers, and we have the tools that can do this in no time at all.

Along with those insights into Instagram users, you get a dedicated account manager that’s always paying attention to an industry that never sleeps, posting and community management, retargeting and much more. All while focusing on the main reason you’re with Add People: getting a return on investment.

Why small to medium-sized businesses should love Instagram advertising

You might be wondering why that level of detail about users is so important when learning about and targeting them. Well, by understanding exactly who your audience is and being able to advertise to them directly, you can save so much time and money that would normally be spent on advertising to everyone and hoping that someone is interested.

Picture a city billboard advertising gaming laptops. Instead of advertising to everyone that walks by it, including people that already have their own laptops or don’t even like to game, you can find people that follow gaming laptop brands on Instagram or recently liked a post about a brand new model. This means that convincing the user to care is so much easier than it used to be, because we can just target them when they’re right on the edge of converting anyway. 

Before you go and cancel that billboard you just emailed about, continue reading to see how else advertising on Instagram can help you. 

of users use the platform for researching new products and services (Social Pilot)
0 %
of users say they take action after seeing a product on Instagram (Social Pilot)
0 %
of users say they are more interested in a brand after seeing it in an Instagram story (Social Pilot)
0 %

We're proud of our reputation

A deeper look at our Instagram ad campaigns

Did you know? Over 1 billion people use Instagram every month.

Let’s take a closer look at what you’ll get with us when you sign up for our Instagram services:

  • A dedicated account manager

Advertising on Instagram requires constant attention and management, which is why so many small to medium-sized companies struggle to make the most of it. With a dedicated account manager that will learn all about your business and goals, you can rest assured that your business is in good hands. 

  • Consistent posting and community management

Consistency is key when it comes to posting content on social media, and we’re here to help you with it. Whether you want us to write the posts ourselves or just give you some guidance on what works best, we can take care of what is sometimes the most stressful part of Instagram.

  • Ads that grab attention (while looking good!)

Our team members are trained in writing and designing adverts that don’t just look great, but generate traffic and conversions. Access to the latest tools like Photoshop certainly helps, too! 

  • An ROI mindset

Anyone can post on an Instagram account. Not everyone can make money from an Instagram account, though. By researching and strategising weeks ahead of time, we can build plans that are designed to increase traffic and conversions. This focus on a return on investment is what we think sets us apart from other digital marketing agencies. 

  • Growth outside of Instagram

We won’t just aim to grow you on Instagram. By building your brand, we’ll be encouraging people to go to your website and even other social media channels. That means that, even if you just pay for Instagram advertising with us, you could still get trickle-down growth on other platforms!  

  • Instagram retargeting 

If you’ve ever seen an advert for a website you visited a few days ago but never actually bought anything from, then you already know the value of retargeting. We can re-capture these loose ends that slipped through your fingers and nudge them back to your website, where they can finish the conversion they didn’t complete the first time. 

  • Instant actions

Remember how adverts used to work in magazines, where you’d have to call up to find out more – and probably wait on hold for minutes until you do? Well, with Instagram adverts people can instantly click and interact with what you’re advertising. If you’re an eCommerce business, this is invaluable.

    • Optimisation and reporting

From plumbers to dance schools, we help all kinds of SMEs tap into digital marketing.

How we’ll deliver your campaign

We’ll learn everything about you

Every business is different, which is why your dedicated account manager will sit down with you to discuss what makes you and your company unique, along with where you want it to go next.

We’ll research everything else

Once we’ve learned everything about you and your company, we’ll look outside the box. Where are your customers spending their time? What are your competitors doing with theirs? The more we learn, the better your campaigns will be.

We’ll put together a plan

We’ll take everything we learned from the first two steps and put together a strategy targeting users that we know will be interested in what we have to say, with an expertly crafted advert that is bound to grab their attention.

The fun part… we’ll put it live

This is what it’s all built up to. We’ll set the campaign and advert bids live, then closely watch it in its early days to make sure it’s all going smoothly – it normally does, but better safe than sorry!

We’ll measure and optimise

Our work doesn’t stop once it goes live. We’ll keep watching the campaigns and spotting any opportunities for improvements. Remember, just because it does well on day one doesn’t mean it will still be performing on day fifty, so we’ll always have our finger on the pulse.

We’ll report back to you

You’ll always be kept informed with the wins (and losses!) from your campaigns, whether that’s over the phone or over email once a month, or less often if you’re happy for us to just get on with it.

Meet the team

There are now 45 million social media users within the UK. Can you afford to be missing out on that many

Our Social Media experts here at Add People can support the growth of your brand across numerous platforms to ensure your catching user’s attention in the feed. With our Facebook Marketing Partner and Hootsuite Advanced Social Media Strategy statuses, your business is in the right hands.

Account Management

Experts in providing insights and key strategies to grow a business and take to the next level.


Experts in writing thought provoking headlines, telling stories about a service or product to entice users with clever puns or witty taglines.


Experts in creating visual concepts which communicate ideas that inspire, inform and captivate customers.


Experts in building campaigns, tracking results and monitoring metrics.

Featured case study

The Hairpin Leg Company found their perfect audience through paid social ads for their niche products!

In just 4 months, The Hairpin Leg Company saw their sales accumulate 480 deals from only targeted Facebook ads. This resulted in an average Return On Ad Spend of a huge 1,270%.


increase in revenue


return on ad spend


conversion rate

Amazon Prime Day officially launched back in 2015 as a way to celebrate Prime members on Amazon’s 20th birthday. Since then, it has grown into an annual event that offers exclusive deals and discounts to consumers, with Prime Day 2023 generating over $12 billion in sales – the biggest year to date! If you’re a […]
Pay per click (PPC) is such a popular form of marketing for large and small businesses alike because you have control over who sees what. If you pay for an advert to be played at halftime during a football match, you know your audience is likely interested in sport – but not much more. With […]
Social proof, commonly referred to as one of the six key principles of persuasion (Robert Cialdini, Persuasion, 1984), is the tendency to use the actions of others to guide behaviour. Or, put simply, we’re incredibly influenced in our decisions by other people, especially when it comes to purchases. After all, there’s a reason why the number […]
How can you get the most out of Social Media for your business? Check out this month’s #AskAnExpert with two of our Social Media experts, Robyn Vawdrey and Harrison Beaumont. They’ve got the answers to all your Social Media questions! Be sure to follow us on Instagram and get involved in our next Q&A. […]

Further Reading On Facebook Ads:

Frequently asked questions about Instagram marketing

It depends on the bidding model so it is hard to broadly say what it will cost. Instead, we’d encourage you to contact our team and we can hear about your business and we’ll be able to get some prices together quickly.

Not only have they been managing businesses on the platform for years, most of them have also been using it in their own time since the early days of the 2010s. This means our team members are incredibly comfortable with Instagram and you’ll struggle to find people more passionate about it, too.

We can create adverts that appear in the main feed, stories section, reels section and much more – this means that we have more tools than ever at our disposal to make sure we’re getting the most out of our adverts for you.

While it might take a while to build your brand into a household name, the returns can be instant because our ads appear in feeds as soon as we set them live and users can then rapidly be driven to your website and products.