0800 298 0586

Put your business in front of millions of potential customers with our digital PR services.

Our online PR agency can help you to increase your domain authority with links from top-tier publications, driving more sales and leads to your website.

Get ahead of your competitors with a solid digital PR service.

Digital PR or ‘public relations’ is all about getting your brand in front of the right people at the right time, and giving you the opportunity to connect with a new audience. 

It incorporates many of the practices of link-building but with a special emphasis on brand management, awareness and reputation. (Learn more about our specific link-building agency service here.)

Our digital PR services can help you to:

👉 Introduce your business and your message to your target audience.

👉 Build brand awareness and manage your online reputation. 

👉 Build links to your website from authoritative sources. 

👉 Gain trust as an industry expert.

👉 Boost your SEO efforts.

more backlinks a website can expect if it has a blog.
0 %
of all web pages have no backlinks.
0 %
of all top ranking pages have quality backlinks.
0 %

Boost your online visibility with an effective online PR service.

Let our digital PR specialists build unique and engaging campaigns in line with your business goals in ways that directly resonate with your target audience. Earn mentions and quality backlinks from news outlets and relevant publications that actually get clicks, driving customers to your website.

Digital PR goes hand-in-hand with SEO and can boost your organic keyword rankings as a result. In fact, there is a strong correlation between search traffic and referring domains (the number of backlinks a website has from other relevant websites).

For maximum results, we’d strongly recommend that you run both an interconnected SEO and digital PR strategy at the same time.


Partner with a digital PR company who will implement a fully comprehensive digital PR strategy.

Here’s what you can expect from our online PR services if you choose to work with Add People:

Expert commentary.

Share your industry expertise with readers all over the UK and the world. Take advantage of our journalist connections and establish yourself as a true thought leader in what you do, introducing yourself to millions in the process.

Product-led PR.

Put your products, goods and/or services directly in the spotlight with our product-led PR creative campaigns. Have interested readers engage directly with what it is you are selling at the moment when they’re just ready to make a purchase.


By closely monitoring the ‘paths’ that your customers take as they navigate through your website, we can identify areas of strengths and weaknesses, and work to adjust the weaker areas accordingly. This way we can work to reduce bounce rate and make the customer experience as conversion-friendly as possible.

Data studies.

Create your own news with unique data sets that are naturally shareable and link-worthy. Build stories around your brand and industry, and get the world talking about your business. We can use either proprietary or public data to do this, with a creative effect for a wide-reaching impact.

Local PR.

Get featured in local news publications all over the UK. Build a strong brand presence in your local community and drive organic traffic from every corner of the country.

Thought leadership.

Position yourself as a true thought leader in your space with a consistent digital PR service. Earn the trust of a global audience, and build connections with journalists, editors and other industry experts worldwide.

Ready to think bigger? Great. Add people.

Here’s what to expect from your digital PR campaign:

A bespoke digital PR strategy.

Our digital PR experts will conduct a series of interviews with you to learn more about your brand, objectives, and your competitors. With these key insights under our belt, we will then put together a comprehensive PR marketing strategy to maximise your brand visibility.

Adaptable, proactive ideation sessions.

Throughout your campaign, our digital PR team will look for media coverage opportunities you can benefit from. This includes but is not limited to relevant conversations in the news (reactive PR), data-driven ‘stories’ that we can create around your services, press releases and more.

An in-house level service.

As a leading digital PR agency, our ambition is to deliver a service that feels in-house, almost like we’re working right alongside you. This means developing a collaborative, interactive relationship with yourself and your business so that we will know how to deliver just the right type of content.

A strong media relationship.

We will build media relations with top journalists, influencers and online publications in your field, helping to secure high-quality placements so that your business can benefit from referral traffic and more leads.

A measure of success.

You will be able to see first-hand in monthly reports how our PR outreach and content marketing efforts have contributed to building your online presence, your organic rankings and website traffic via key metrics from Google Analytics and our keyword tools.

We're proud of our reputation

Just some of the publications we've got clients featured in...

Meet your SEO team(s)

Onboard with us for digital PR, and you’ll be able to access and benefit from the other teams within our SEO department.

Account Management team

Specialists in: reporting directly to you, identifying opportunities and planning strategies to capitalise on them.

Content team

Specialists in: writing content that is keyword optimised, matches user intent and gets coverage.

Digital PR team

Specialists in: getting your website in front of millions; on huge websites like Forbes and The Independent or in hyper-niche magazines where your target audience lives.

CRO team

Specialists in: making sure that your website is designed with users in mind, turning traffic into conversions.

Technical team

Specialists in: keeping your website loading fast, staying online and easy to scan so the search engines never struggle to see our work and rank accordingly.

Featured case study

How digital PR helped Inventory Base achieve a 300% increase in website conversions.

Read more about how one of the UK’s leading property inventory software companies reached an audience of 2.5 million with an effective digital PR strategy crafted at Add People.


Increase in website conversions.


Increase in organic traffic.


revenue in one month from paid ads.

FAQs — Digital PR services

Because PR and SEO go hand-in-hand with each other, we very often deliver PR alongside SEO. In fact, our PR team is located in our SEO department. The price varies depending on your industry and circumstances, but you can find approximate prices in our SEO costs UK guide here.

We invest thousands each year into the latest industry platforms such as ResponseSource and Ahrefs. These platforms allow us to identify suitable opportunities for you and your business. 

We also spend a lot of time nurturing relationships with key industry contacts and gaining their trust. Because we work with so many businesses in different industries, you benefit from our relationships and subject knowledge across a breadth of topics that put you at the forefront of important conversations.

Traditional PR leans towards long-established news platforms such as newspapers, radio and television, whereas digital PR includes all of these with the addition of websites, social media platforms, online news, video platforms and influencer campaigns.

Digital PR is highly competitive and ever-changing and results are not guaranteed. However, if you can collaborate with us closely, we are quite confident that we will achieve positive results. Like with anything in life and digital marketing, you get out what you put in.

With digital PR speed is of the essence. So if you can provide us with expert comments and other insights relatively quickly, we can work to secure more media placements that will reach your target audience.