0800 298 0586

Finally, a Manchester-based SEO agency that’s built for small businesses.

Do you feel like your website should be bringing you more customers?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is all about getting seen on Google by audiences that actually convert. For large businesses, it is important. For small businesses? It is essential.

We deliver big results for our clients.

Organic search drives more traffic than Google ads & social media *combined*.

That’s why ranking high for searches your audiences make can be so valuable – and this SEO agency is all about getting you to the top of those results. You can see a few of our results here →


The organic revenue increase for Miracle Leaf.


The conversion rate increase for Wood Floor Store.


The organic traffic increase for Skinfit By Sara.


How much would you like your business to grow?

We’re proud of our reputation as an SEO agency Manchester loves:

Overview of our paid SEO services:

We have B2B, SaaS and B2B SEO agency services. We understand that ranking highly isn’t as simple as inserting a few keywords into your website and calling it a day. Instead, there are many different services we provide that all support what you can consider the three pillars of a successful website; technical, backlinks and on-page content.

Remember, we might be an SEO agency based in Manchester, but we’re not limited to there. With our technical SEO know-how, high-quality digital marketing strategies and the passion that every one of our experts brings to the table, we can get you ranking competitively on a local, national and global level – and all the organic traffic that comes with that. 

We'll find the small fixes that make a big difference. Test us.

Rankings that turn into traffic

“Nearly 33% of clicks go to the first ranking page, and the first five listings get over 75% of all clicks.” – Digital Marketing Institute

Traffic that turns into conversations

“A small jump in conversions from 1% to 2% can give your sales and revenue a huge boost.” – Monster Insights

Conversations that turn into repeat customers

“Repeat customers are 52% more likely to convert than new prospects” – Forbes

Repeat customers that turn into reviews

“90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business.” – Search Engine Land

Reviews that turn into interest

“88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.” – Bright Local

Interest that turns into a brand

“89% of shoppers stay loyal to brands that share their values.” – Small Biz Genius

Our partners

These are just some of the companies we’ve partnered with:

After making a name for ourselves as a high-quality Manchester SEO agency, then establishing Add People as a serious player in the wider PPC, e-commerce and social media industries, it only made sense to partner with some of the other biggest names in the field. These give us a competitive advantage over many other companies you might have looked at, helping everything from link building and keyword research, to our technical and local SEO services.

No, our friends at Google can’t get you ranking at position one as a favour. Having access to exclusive tools and unique insights definitely helps us do it ourselves, though.

We deliver big results for our clients.

Baby Boutique see a BOOM in revenue through shopping campaigns with Add People

In January 2020, Baby Boutique made £151.27 from paid ads. By January 2021, with Add People at the helm of their digital marketing, they brought in over £16,000 through our bespoke paid advertising campaign. This adds up to a crazy, 11,015% increase in year-on-year revenue through their website.


year-on-year increase in revenue.


year-on-year increase in conversions.


revenue in one month from paid ads.

What our SEO marketing services will look like:

We learn about you

What goals do you have? Who is your target audience? What markets are you strong in, or want to branch out to? No one knows these better than you, so we start by learning everything there is to know; the foundation of any successful search engine optimisation strategy.

We audit your site and competitors

Are there any underlying issues with your site? Does it have a link profile that is actually damaging? Could we learn anything from what your competitors are doing? This stage is crucial to your online SEO strategy. By knowing exactly what needs to be done to get you ranking highly in your audience SERPs (search engine results pages), we can confidently improve your organic visibility.

We fine-tune your technical SEO

Does it load quickly enough? Is the internal linking effective? Are your web pages cannibalising each other for search engine rankings? Whether it’s a few tweaks or a huge overhaul, we have the cutting-edge tools and team to get you where you need to be.

We build up your content and online presence

Do all your products and services have pages dedicated to them? Are the alt text and meta data optimised for the search terms that drive organic traffic? Do your blog posts establish you as an authority to search engines and visitors? Our writers have decades of content creation experience between them and know exactly how to provide copy that is engaging, shareable and SEO-friendly.

We deliver web design that people and search engines love

Are your key pages easy to navigate? Does it make indexing easy for search engines? Do your pages match what your audience wants, not just what looks good? This is all about making your website algorithm-friendly with an efficient conversion rate.

We establish your authority

Have you got any backlinks from sites in your industry? Are you getting coverage where your target audience gathers? Do directories know you exist? Once your site is looking good, it’s time to build your backlink profile and reputation. We target potential customers on the websites they visit with outreach, delivering backlinks with one of the most reliable white hat SEO techniques still around.

We enter a self-fulfilling cycle, supported by what we know works

The beauty of SEO with Add People is that it’s all about long-term stability. You’ll benefit from the groundwork we establish for years, which can lead to a cycle where your clicks lead to more clicks and links lead to more links; all of which we’ll measure, tweak and report to you using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console for as long as you’re with us.

Your campaign team:

You found your success as a small business by finding a specific area and specialising in it. It is this mindset that is behind our team of largely Manchester-based SEO experts who have a skill set designed specifically for whatever it is your website needs. These would fit into any digital marketing agency around and act as both SEO consultants and creators.

Your Account Management Team.

Specialists in: Reporting directly to you, identifying opportunities and planning strategies to capitalise on them.

Your Content Team.

Specialists in: Writing content that is keyword optimised, matches user intent and gets coverage.

Your Digital PR Team.

Specialists in: Getting your website in front of millions; on huge websites like Forbes and The Independent or in hyper-niche magazines where your target audience lives.

Your CRO Team.

Specialists in: Making sure that your website is designed with users in mind, turning traffic into conversions.

Your Technical Team.

Specialists in: Keeping your website loading fast, staying online and easy to scan so the search engines never struggle to see our work and rank accordingly.

The wedding pianist

Benjamin Clarke

How we took The Wedding Pianist’s site from 77 unique users a month, to roughly 11,000!

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Amazon Prime Day officially launched back in 2015 as a way to celebrate Prime members on Amazon’s 20th birthday. Since then, it has grown into an annual event that offers exclusive deals and discounts to consumers, with Prime Day 2023 generating over $12 billion in sales – the biggest year to date! If you’re a […]
And while all this choice may seem overwhelming, the industry tends to be dominated by just three types of SEO provider, with similar SEO pricing models. In this article, we’ll explain what these common pricing models and providers are, what you can expect from each of them, and how to work out if SEO is worth your time. […]
The Internet, they say, is the great equaliser. Where even the tiniest of voices share the same platform as the corporate giants. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how SEO is worth it for small businesses; how a unique strategy can put your company in front of your target audience, generate the right website traffic and turn them into paying […]
Amazon Prime Day officially launched back in 2015 as a way to celebrate Prime members on Amazon’s 20th birthday. Since then, it has grown into an annual event that offers exclusive deals and discounts to consumers, with Prime Day 2023 generating over $12 billion in sales – the biggest year to date! If you’re a […]

Further Reading On PPC:

Why small businesses love our SEO agency.

Well, it’s because we work with Mike, not Nike.

We focus on delivering results for small to medium-sized businesses with our B2C, SaaS and B2B SEO services. That means we’ve developed a system that delivers big results without a big fee.

So, if you’re a company as big as Nike, thanks for the interest, but look elsewhere. We’re not here for you. We’re here for the SME that feels like a family, that wants a lot from a little, that needs results. Good thing we deliver them.

Search engines like Google and Bing show websites that they think are relevant and authoritative; our SEO campaigns will establish you as both, with every action geared towards the very simple goal of driving ROI (return on investment).

A lot of our clients have tried running their online SEO for themselves before joining us but found it too time-consuming and complicated. After all, it is constantly changing. One person alone can’t get your SEO up to scratch – even the most brilliant mind couldn’t do it alone. That’s why we have whole teams of them.

So, when your site needs anything from landing pages or content marketing to technical work and digital PR – we have just the right person for you. You’ll even get your own dedicated account manager that’s only a phone call or email away. This is a flexible, full-service SEO marketing agency service that is fine-tuned for small businesses and backed by the most expensive tools available. Basically, we’re everything you need.

Search Engine Optimisation FAQs

Yes, by appealing to ranking factors and bringing in more traffic through page optimisation and backlinks, then making sure that the website is designed to turn those inbound leads into conversions. Outside of that, long-term strategies like establishing you as a thought leader in your industry should lead to steady and consistent growth.

Incredibly so, which is why we’ve built an SEO services agency that is specifically designed for SME’s (small to medium-sized enterprises). Consider that 97% of people search online to find a local business and that 88% of local business searches lead to a call or visit within 24 hours. SEO is about making sure you’re at the top of that page and you’re the one people are contacting.

There are many SEO agencies that focus on bringing in huge clients for huge paydays. Not us. We instead found a niche that we could specialise in and have honed our tools, staff and values to create a business that is designed for servicing SMEs and delivering a totally streamlined, no-chaff online marketing services for our clients.

Because we’ve probably already delivered results in your industry. The truth is, part of our success as a digital marketing and SEO company has come from working with a huge variety of clients in a large number of industries; never building ourselves into one specific client niche outside of small to medium-sized businesses.

You will pay on a monthly recurring revenue plan, where you pay for the number of hours you need. You can then control your marketing campaigns and spending alongside your SEO team, so if you want to expand to other areas of the business like PPC and web development, you’re primed to go!

Your dedicated account manager will always be available over the phone or by email for a catch-up. We also produce thorough reports about what we’ve been doing, detailing our successes every month and never shying away from any metrics that may not be as positive as we like that month.

Absolutely not. We always encourage people to come down to the Manchester office for a catch-up and a cuppa, but we have plenty of clients from elsewhere in the United Kingdom, including many outside the continent. From South Africa to America and everywhere in between, we understand search engine optimisation on a global level and are happy to work within your time zones where possible. So, if your country needs off-page SEO done a certain way, or people in your region expect the user experience to be a certain way too, we can tweak our delivery to suit you and your audience.

You can treat each of our account managers (you’ll be assigned a dedicated one when you start with us) as your own personal SEO consultant. These will answer any questions you have, take you through what it is we’re doing and how this whole area of digital marketing works. While we could talk about what we do forever, we also understand some people are just happy for us to get on with it all. However you like your reporting, that’s how we’ll approach it.

We are the experts, so you’re not expected to be. As long as you can provide the necessary login details, we handle everything ourselves and require very little in terms of technical SEO understanding from you.

SEO stands for ‘search engine optimisation’, so it is primarily focused on improving your online reach. However, the benefits aren’t strictly limited to the internet and a great marketing campaign can have hugely positive impacts on your reputation and success offline. Even businesses that don’t sell online can benefit from the copywriting, link-building and technical SEO work we deliver.

We wouldn’t be a very good agency if we didn’t! In terms of SEO content, this is some of the most important copy we deliver as it’s what users see on the search results page. Our writers are great at saying a lot with a little.

Looking for something else?

If this doesn’t sound like the marketing service for you, then don’t worry. We have plenty more to offer small to medium-sized businesses like yours.

👉 Are people not buying what your eCom business is selling? Let our eCommerce team help! 

👉 Need to tap into audiences of millions and develop your brand? Look no further than our social media team! 

👉 Does your website need a facelift to look, run and convert better? Lean on our decades of site development and design experience! 

👉 Want to target customers with an ad right when they’re ready to convert? Our PPC team can help you pounce!