0800 298 0586


We’re a PPC agency that specialises in remarketing for SMEs

Don’t let valuable leads slip through your fingers

Ever noticed an advert for a website you were on just the other day?

Remarketing (also known as retargeting) is a form of PPC where you target customers that have already engaged with your brand, but have not yet converted. This may involve a banner on a website they like to visit or a pop-up on a YouTube video they’re watching.

Essentially, the digital version of tapping the user on their shoulder and saying “Remember us?”.

This is a really popular option for small to medium-sized businesses because you don’t need a huge budget or established brand for it to work. Instead, you focus on customers where most of the hard work has already been done. We’re not telling them who we are or why they should care; we know they already do. This is all about getting the customers that want to convert but just slipped through the cracks.

Remarketing can increase ad engagement by up to 400%. (Kenshoo)
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of website visitors leave and never return. Remarketing can help you bring them back to your website.
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Website visitors that are remarketed are more likely to convert by 43%. (Criteo)
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Why remarketing works

Did you know? Remarketed ads average a click-through rate 10X higher than traditional display ads (Wishpond).

When online shoppers like to research prices, options and alternatives as much as they do, it’s important they don’t forget about you after visiting your site. In fact, over 95% of users don’t convert on their first visit to a site. That’s a gold mine of people to tap into.

Have you ever put a product in your basket, only to leave and not return? This is the case for 72% of customers – that’s almost three quarters. Without remarketing, only eight per cent are likely to return and finish the purchase.

Another huge benefit of remarketing is that strategies can be put together and actioned in hardly any time at all. Compare this to, say, a billboard at a busy intersection. Between contacting the company, agreeing a fee, designing the advert and getting it up, the process could take weeks.

That simply isn’t the case with remarketing and is a major strength of PPC marketing.

What our remarketing campaigns look like

Our campaigns typically fit in one of five different remarketing categories, each with their own benefits that your dedicated account manager will run through with you:

Standard remarketing 
Email remarketing
Video remarketing
Dynamic remarketing
Remarketing Lists for Search Ads

Ready to think bigger? Great. Add people.

How we’ll deliver your campaign

Ad creation

We use images from your website, images provided by you, or stock images to create “display ads” which can be shown on over 2,000,000 websites, and reach 90% of worldwide internet users.

Remarketing audience definition

We place a tag on your website that will note the IP addresses of web users as they visit your website. We can then use that information to target each individual user with ads?

Campaign creation

We create a display campaign in line with your goals. If you have promotional video content for your business, we can also remarket to users on YouTube.

Monitoring and optimisation

Along with your other campaigns, we will include this remarketing campaign in your monthly reporting, discussing how the ads are performing, which audiences work best, and more.

We're proud of our reputation

Meet your PPC team(s)

Most companies we work with were founded on a passion for the industry and a specialist focus for it. This is also true for our PPC team, who found their calling in a role that combines the reliability of maths and numbers with the satisfaction of helping small to medium-sized businesses grow.

Helpdesk team

Specialists in: getting serious results with low-to-medium budget Bing and Google Ads campaigns.

Managed team

Specialists in: handling premium accounts and managing high budget Bing and Google Ads campaigns.

eCom team

Specialists in: delivering bespoke shopping campaigns for eCommerce businesses that want to take their online presence to the next level.

Featured case study

Baby Boutique see a BOOM in revenue through shopping campaigns with Add People

In January 2020, Baby Boutique made £151.27 from paid ads. By January 2021, with Add People at the helm, they brought in over £16,000 through our bespoke paid advertising campaign. This adds up to a crazy, 11,015% increase in year-on-year revenue through their website.


year-on-year increase in revenue


year-on-year increase in conversions


revenue in one month from paid ads

Frequently asked questions about remarketing

They will be shown to users that have already visited your website within a set time frame. You can choose if you want to show it to people that haven’t converted, or simply anyone that has been on your site in that selected time period.

These are large lists that you create yourself and then feed into the system. One example of a list could be targeting people that added something to a shopping basket on your website but didn’t finish their transaction.

The ads are set up using the Google Search Network, so they would appear on partner sites that have allowed ads from the GSN to appear.

It increases the price of ads by a small amount, but when remarketing can increase ad engagement by 400% it’s a small price to pay for a more successful campaign.

When you’re setting up the ads, you insert a URL and it then pulls images directly from the web pages. This means that there’s no additional work required, it just takes media from the website.