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Content SEO: How To Find Keywords For An Idea-First Approach

For those in the SEO industry, we live and work in the wake of the Helpful Content update that Google dropped in 2022. This means that, more than ever, content shouldn’t just be search engine-friendly, but human-friendly, too. 
Simply copying and pasting your keyword into a page one thousand times hasn’t cut it for years, and certainly won’t do the job anymore. This is something that we as consumers should be happy about, because it means we’ll be seeing much better content at the top of our search results. […]

Performance Max: A Bold New Feature for Microsoft Ads

Microsoft has introduced a now widely available solution for importing Performance max campaigns from Google Ads into Microsoft Ads.

This will allow you to utilise performance max campaigns in Microsoft ads and means you can maximise the effect of automated campaigns to drive better performance through machine learning and artificial intelligence, similar to how these operate on Google. […]

Consumer Confidence & Payment Instalments: What You Need to Know.

We’ve no doubt that this year has continued some of the uncertainty we saw during the pandemic period. Post-pandemic trends show that year over year in-store shopping is regaining momentum after the pandemic and this doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Despite this rise, E-commerce sales growth does remain high as consumers grow in confidence from purchasing online.
Read on to find out more[…]

Google Ads Campaign Goals Explained

Before you can aim for success, you must first know what you aim to achieve. Marketing objectives are a key part of any company’s marketing plan that keeps it on track. In this guide, we’ll discuss Google Ads Campaign goals, and why you need to understand them and utilise them, in 2023. Keep reading to find out more … […]

The Anatomy of a (Perfect) Product Page – Add People

In the online world, competitors are only a quick click away. This means it’s vital that your customers are convinced that buying from you is the right choice. In this guide, we’ll discuss the core components that make up an effective, high-conversion product page. At the bottom of the guide, we’ve also provided a handy product page design […]

Black Friday 2022 Bulletin

Most eCommerce businesses are probably aware of Black Friday, but what can the 25th of November 2022 look like in numbers? Here we take a look at the numbers from Black Friday in 2021 to get an idea of what we can expect …
Read on to find out more[…]