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Add People shortlisted for UK Employer of the Year by Investors in People.

Add People has made the final shortlist for The Award for UK Employer of the Year: Platinum in The Investors in People Awards 2022.

In a record-breaking year for entries, with over three hundred organisations involved, this is an outstanding achievement and one that everyone at Add People is proud of […]

The eCommerce Newsdesk September 2022

Every month we’ll bring you a collection of eCommerce updates, trends and industry innovations relevant to entrepreneurs at various stages of their eCommerce journey. We’ll also share some of our own clients’ success stories with online advertising, their strategies and how these can also benefit your business. […]

Black Fri-Yay & The Theory of Reciprocity

For advertisers who are preparing for Black Friday, it may be prudent to start your Black Friday sale a little earlier this year, but when is too early?
And what if a sale isn’t an option for your business? And how can reciprocity theory help you sell more products?
Read on to find out…[…]

Add People named as finalists for the Google Premier Partner Awards 2022.

Altrincham-based agency Add People has made it through as a finalist in the Lead Generation category in this year’s prestigious Google Ads Premier Partner Awards. The awards recognise the achievements of the very best digital marketing agencies and providers, who are working at the top of their game. […]

Social Proofing: why you should like it.

Social proof, commonly referred to as one of the six key principles of persuasion (Robert Cialdini, Persuasion, 1984), is the tendency to use the actions of others to guide behaviour. Or, put simply, we’re incredibly influenced in our decisions by other people, especially when it comes to purchases. After all, there’s a reason why the number […]

Black Friday: Where did it come from, where will it go?

Most eCommerce businesses are probably aware of Black Friday and may have even run promotions during this time already. If you haven’t this short and sharp blog post is for you… There’ll also be updates from our Learn eCommerce with Add People (LEAP) YouTube channel, designed specifically to help early-stage eCommerce […]