0800 298 0586

Venn Healthcare

SEO services deliver dazzling 158% boost in organic traffic

Increase in organic traffic
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Increase in impressions
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Increase in organic traffic value
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As a market leader in the medical and aesthetics industry, organic growth has been key to Venn Healthcare’s success; particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic -which has seen incredible year-on-year growth despite a global market downturn.

The challenge

Despite Venn Healthcare’s position as industry leaders, their Google rankings were, in many cases, not reflective of this; as a result, a number of their high-value pages were hidden deep within Google search results.

Our strategy

To boost organic visibility and increase conversions, the SEO team at Add People implemented an internal linking strategy, which enabled them to distribute link value throughout the site.

Highly optimised, keyword-focused copy for existing service pages were produced along with dedicated pages to further capture user intent

The results

Since engaging the services of Add People, and through investing time in link building and content optimisation, Venn Healthcare have seen a huge boost in page one rankings equating to a 158% increase in organic traffic to the site.

Looking to grow your business?
Simple. Add People.

What the client said...

“Our partnership with Add People has been a great relief. It’s freed up my time to focus on other areas of the business, whilst and I know that the team there are in control. Regular updates from the same members of the team helps, as I know they understand our business and its needs.”

Marketing Manger, Venn Healthcare