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Leading sofabed manufacturer can sleep easy, with their marketing strategy safe in Add People’s hands…

increase in Ecommerce conversion rate
0 %
increase in website transactions
0 %
increase in website revenue
0 %

Sofabed.co.uk are a leading sofabed manufacturer that initially partnered with Add People in 2021, to get their Google Ads campaigns up and running.

Following the great success they were seeing from their ads, they turned their attention to improving their website and its potential for converting even more visitors into sales.

They signed up for our Convert & Grow service, and the rest is history!

The challenge

Our Convert & Grow service is all about using Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) to improve areas of a website that are stopping users from converting (e.g. completing a purchase).

This is exactly what Sofabed.co.uk were trying to do.

They understood that whilst their ad campaigns were performing well, there was still so much potential for their website to become an even bigger money-making machine!

Our strategy

Our CRO Experts set about analysing the pages on their website, to identify the key areas that needed to be improved.

Using data, they could see that users were frequently landing on and interacting with their homepage, product pages and ‘Free Fabric Swatches’ page – the team began by focussing on addressing issues on these pages.

Furthermore, the navigation of the website was jumbled, resulting in an inconsistent journey and experience for users – meaning they’d be less likely to complete a purchase.

Our team created mockups of what their new pages could look like, ensuring that they were fine-tuned in converting visitors into paying customers.

Once these designs were approved, the team worked closely with Sofabed.co.uk’s Development Team to get these changes implemented.

The results

The CRO work has had an incredible impact on Sofabed.co.uk’s website and Google Ads campaigns!

Since launch, they’ve achieved…

– 51% increase in Ecommerce conversion rate (year-on-year)

– 102% increase in site transactions (year-on-year)

– 100% increase in site revenue

– 140% increase in ‘Free Fabric Swatch’ requests (year-on-year)

Looking to grow your business?
Simple. Add People.

What the client said...

“We have worked in partnership with Add People to develop the online presence and marketing strategy for sofabed.co.uk since 2021.

The first campaign we ran with Add People was a PPC campaign managed by Abigail Pitts. This campaign is still running two years later and thanks to continuous refinement is going from strength to strength. Following this success story we decided that to take the business and website to the next level we needed to increase both our conversion rate and website traffic.

We took the decision in 2022 to continue the PPC campaign and also start work with Add People on a Convert and Grow campaign. This campaign has been successfully managed for us by Add People’s Tom Hutchison. The first thing that the Convert and Grow campaign concentrated on was CRO with the aim of significantly increasing site conversion and improving the customer journey.

Following this, the campaign has moved on to also improving the SEO performance of the website. The SEO campaign has seen some fantastic gains in keyword ranking and online presence that are turning into improved revenue.

Both Abi and Tom have been a pleasure to work with and have been a valuable resource for our business.”

Paul Alridge
Marketing Manager at Sofabed.co.uk