0800 298 0586

SkinFit by Sara

New website build brings glowing organic results for local cosmetics clinic

increase in organic traffic
0 %
increase in organic leads
0 %
new organic keywords

Located in Didsbury, Manchester, SkinFit by Sara is a beauty clinic that provides non-invasive cosmetic treatments.

Wanting to grow her business and dominate the local competition, Sara teamed up with, who else, but the home of SEO for small businesses.

The challenge

At the time of partnering with Add People, SkinFit by Sara had very little organic visibility online, meaning that when people searched for similar services in Manchester, SkinFit would not be appearing on the search results page.

It was clear there was a huge opportunity here, to grow SkinFit’s presence in the search rankings and drive more traffic to the website.

Firstly, the SEO team had the big challenge of building them a brand new website.

Our strategy

The main objective was to optimise the new website in a way that would ensure SkinFit by Sara started to rank for searches in their local area.

This involved building the website from the ground up, which enabled the SEO team to deliver targeted local SEO work.

They focused on ‘localising’ the technical, content, and backlink pillars of the website, as these all play vital roles in improving ranking on the search results page.

The results

The results have been amazing to see!

When comparing the last 3 months, to the initial 3 months (since SkinFit by Sara partnered with Add People):

–   Organic traffic has increased by 354%.

–   There has been a 175% increase in the number of leads coming from organic search.

–   SkinFit by Sara are now ranking for 313 organic keywords.

Overall, the launch of the new website has been a fantastic success and is a great demonstration of how transformative SEO can be for businesses looking to grow.

Looking to grow your business?
Simple. Add People.

What the client said...

“I have been really pleased with the work done by Add People. The website is exactly what I wanted and represents my business and brand perfectly. The SEO work that has been done by Tom, has been really key in terms of organic growth and the results speak for themselves… which has meant I have been able to build a successful new business in the midst of a global pandemic.”

Sara Nolan
Founder of SkinFit by Sara