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Electrical specialists create local buzz with Add People
Google searches last month
direct actions from GMB page last quarter
calls from GMB page last quarter

Robertshaw’s have increased their local visibility on Google and drastically improved their number and quality of leads with thanks to the Add People SEO team.

The challenge

Robertshaws is a small, family-run television, audio and home appliances shop based in Elland, West Yorkshire. Without the time, or budget, to compete with large electrical retailers, they needed an alternative solution.

Our strategy

As a Google Premier Partner, we’re well placed to know how Google thinks, and this is key when enhancing your local SEO with Google My Business. We focused our efforts on their local SEO in order to increase local visibility and the number and quality of their leads. This was achieved through optimising their Google My Business page (GMB), geo-tags, citations, on-page content creation and optimization.

The results

Robertshaw’s are now showing top of searches in Google Maps for 3 separate keywords, vastly improving their local visibility and resulting in 330 direct actions, and 117 calls, directly from their GMB in the last quarter

Looking to grow your business?
Simple. Add People.

What the client said...

With large retail parks and massive chains on our doorstep, if someone searches our relevant keywords, we need to know we’re going to show up on local searches. Add People have helped us achieve that.

Steve Robertshaw