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Proactive Cleaners

Leading South East-based Proactive Cleaners Sweeping up leads with Google Ads.

Decrease in bounce rate
0 %
YOY increase in conversions
0 %
Increase in conversion Rate
0 %

Proactive Cleaners, with over 15 years of experience, are a leading bespoke provider of cleaning services covering residential, commercial and specialist & Construction sectors.

They came to Add People looking for more leads, better suited to their expertise and more aligned to their market.

The challenge

The main challenge their account manager, Yasmeen, found was that they were getting a lot of leads from areas outside of the locations where they work.

It was the perfect example of when a business is trying Google Ads for themselves, and doing pretty well at it, but not getting the help they need to really maximise the opportunity.

Our strategy

Yasmeen immediately set about refining the campaign, narrowing the radius their ads were targeting, and excluding irrelevant locations (ultimately, if they only service the South East, there’s no point in getting jobs in the South West!)

Next up was boosting campaigns to target higher average order value (AOV) jobs, such as large residential apartment blocks, and niche commercial work, such as the construction sector.

Yasmeen split their ad campaigns between one-off smaller jobs and the larger “big ticket” jobs, pushing more of their advertising budget towards the jobs that give them the biggest return. This approach resulted in their enquiries jumping from an average of 24 per month to 64 per month!

Not only that, but by using a Maximise Conversion Google Ads bidding strategy, Yasmeen was able to get them a very healthy conversion rate of 24%.

“Max conversions” automatically set bids to help get the most conversions for your campaign while spending your budget. It uses advanced machine learning to automatically optimise and tailor bids on Google Ads.

The results

(Jan-May 2021 vs 2022) Conversion rate has seen a brilliant increase from 12.04% to 21%, whilst total conversions have increased by a generous 16% … THIS is the power of using a max conversions bidding strategy.

– 15% Decrease in bounce rate

– 16% YOY increase in conversions

– 78% Increase in conversion Rate

Not only are they getting more jobs, but they’re also getting better jobs too.

Looking to grow your business?
Simple. Add People.

What the client said...

“It’s been brilliant since we partnered with Add People, Yas has been great. We’re now wasting less budget on people clicking ads in locations we can’t or don’t service. We’re also getting bigger value commercial jobs because of the new strategy.”

Baqir Khan
Owner, Proactive Cleaners.