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Miracle Leaf – CRO

Miracle Leaf thriving after successful CRO strategy with Add People

year-on-year increase in website revenue
0 %
year-on-year increase in transactions
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year-on-year increase in eCommerce Conversion Rate
0 %

Last year, we published the story of how our SEO experts had helped to transform Miracle Leaf’s organic rankings, through a world-class SEO strategy.

On the back of this success, Miracle Leaf were beginning to explore implementing a Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) strategy on their website.

The following success story explores the impact of this CRO work and how it has delivered significant increases in revenue for their eCommerce website.

The challenge

Having successfully improved their rankings and thus, increased the amount of traffic coming onto Miracle Leaf’s website, the team at Add People suggested making improvements to the User Experience (UX) of their site.

A number of Miracle Leaf’s competitors were still ahead on this front, so making these improvements was necessary in order to compete and steal away potential customers for themselves.

Our strategy

CRO is essentially making it as easy as possible for website visitors to take the action you want them to (if you’re an eCommerce business, this would be to purchase your products).

It involves improving a range of different factors on a website, like website speed, site navigation, customer journey, etc.

All these factors play a huge role in improving the overall experience for users and remove all the potential barriers that are stopping users from taking these desired actions (making a purchase, in Miracle Leaf’s case).

After undertaking detailed research, our experts produced mock-ups for the proposed changes to Miracle Leaf’s Homepage, product pages and category pages – which were then signed off by Miracle Leaf, before going live on their website.

The results

The results have been truly fantastic to see!

Since implementing the CRO strategy, Miracle Leaf have seen significant increases in website conversion rates, transactions and revenue…

– 68.2% year-on-year increase in eCommerce Conversion Rate (all traffic channels).

– 190% year-on-year increase in transactions (all traffic channels).

– 158% year-on-year increase in website revenue (all traffic channels).

Looking to grow your business?
Simple. Add People.

What the client said...

“My SEO account manager, Tom Hutchison, advised targeted CRO work on my site as part of our ongoing campaign with Add People.

Whilst I was keen to see results as fast as possible, I understood that there was analysis and development time required for his team to deliver the right work.

I’m thrilled that we pushed ahead with the CRO work, because it has resulted in our eCom Conv. rate increasing by 68% YOY, total transactions increasing by 190% YOY, and our total revenue increasing by 158% YOY over this period. My site’s homepage, categories and product pages were transformed!

A special thanks, to Jade Mansfield, who delivered the UX work on my campaign!”

Agnieszka Kozlowska
Director at Miracle Leaf