0800 298 0586

Military Precision Pest Control

Pest control business captures more leads with Google’s Local Services Ads

increase in calls through Google Business Profile
0 %
increase in website clicks
0 %
leads from Local Services Ads in 2023

Based in Eastleigh, Hampshire, Military Precision Pest Control (MPPC) does what the name suggests, dealing with unwanted pests in the surrounding local areas, such as Southampton, New Forest, Portsmouth, etc.

The business was already running Google’s Local Services Ads with the help of our Known Locally team, but when they entered a quiet period in terms of leads, our Local SEO Experts knew exactly the right solution!

The challenge

The main goal here was simple… get more credible leads coming through MPPC’s Local Services Ads again!

Our Local SEO experts began a deep investigation and analysis of the campaigns, which helped them identify some really fantastic opportunities that they could exploit, to the benefit of MPPC.

The amazing thing about Local Services Ads, is that they help businesses appear at the top of Google’s local search results, customers can call you directly through the ads, and you only pay for the ads when people contact you – so it was crucial to get these campaigns back on track for MPPC.

Our strategy

The first area the team addressed, was the timings of the ads being displayed.

From analysing their data, there was a clear pattern of when potential customers were calling in, as well as a noticeable increase on weekends – so, the team set up the ads so they would be triggered more frequently at these times, in the hope to capture more leads.

MPPC’s service areas also needed addressing – the routes taken to get to certain jobs in the surrounding areas weren’t being covered by the existing ad campaigns – meaning there was a huge missed opportunity in targeting ads at people who lived in these areas, that were already within their service area.

The team also researched pest control-related keywords, that people were searching for on Google in the South Coast area and began to target the places which were showing a lot of interest in these services.

These improvements were complimented by the ongoing optimisation of the Google Business Profile – further strengthening their position in Google results, when people were searching for “pest control near me”.

And thus, their new, fully-optimised campaigns were ready to deliver results…

The results

The campaigns have had a significant impact on growing leads for MPPC, and July 2023, in particular, was a fantastic month…
– 40 leads that converted into paying customers

– 99 Google Business Profile interactions (83.3% up 2022)

– 39 website clicks (116.7% up from 2022)

– 23 calls (155.6% up from 2022)

We’re excited to continue our partnership with Military Precision Pest Control!

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What the client said...

“Very happy with the amount of leads coming through and the consistency of them, very glad with the progression of the business!”

Dan Dobson
Founder of Military Precision Pest Control