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FlipFix: Amazon Store

FlipFix turned their Amazon Store around with Add People partnership…

increase in ad revenue
0 %
increase in orders
0 %
Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)
0 %

FlipFix Ltd manufactures and distributes industry-leading access panels for the construction sector.

They sell their products through their Ecommerce website and through their Amazon Store.

In June 2021, they teamed up with Add People’s Amazon Experts, looking to grow their Amazon sales – which, at the time, were not performing as hoped.

And they made the right decision… because their Amazon store has since seen a 103% increase in orders!

Continue reading to find out how we turned around their Amazon sales…

The challenge

When FlipFix first came on board, their Amazon store was struggling to generate orders and their ads were wasting precious budget – so this required some initial ‘cleaning up’ of their existing ad campaigns.

Another challenge was that their product was quite niche, and perhaps, not something you would typically think of as an Amazon product.

Our strategy

The strategy was to use a combination of existing and new ad campaigns, to stop wasted ad spend by targeting shoppers that were more inclined to make a purchase.

One way our experts did this was through keyword targeting.

Using the right keywords helps to ensure that their ads would display in more relevant search results for people looking for their products.

They also targeted keywords that focused on B2B customers (business to business), which helped to encourage more bulk orders – driving up the amount customers were spending on each order (average order value).

An extremely effective feature of Amazon Advertising is that you can create ads that display in comeptitors’ product listings – the team also set these ads up for FlipFix; helping them to steal away customers from their competition.

Additionally to all of this, a new Sponsored Brands campaign was also introduced, which displays adverts at the top of search results on Amazon.

This helped to increase their brand awareness and reach new customers that may not have heard of their products before.

The results

The results have been transformational for FlipFix’s Amazon Store!

Since the launch of the new strategy, ad spend has been sustainably scaled up, which has resulted in:

 – An increase of 143% in ad revenue (year-on-year)

– 103% increase in orders.

– 68% increase in impressions.

– Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) has grown to 832%

Looking to grow your business?
Simple. Add People.

What the client said...

“Matt and Mike have been fantastic! You guys get us, you get the company values and most importantly you get the product, and we’re delighted. Thank you very much for all your help on Amazon ads!”

Scott Middleton-Tolley
Ecommerce Manager at FlipFix Ltd