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Dinev’s Quick & Easy Removals

Dinev’s Removals picked up 688 leads after using Local Services Ads with Add People!

Leads in 4 months
Conversion Rate
0 %
Increase on Google Maps ranking
0 %

Dinev’s Quick & Easy Removals are a family owned, environmentally conscious removals business, based in London.

In October 2021, they partnered up with Add People with the goal of improving their visibility in local searches on Google.

After initially focusing on improving their Google Maps rankings, in March 2023, our Local SEO team turned up the heat, by implementing Google’s Local Services Ads (LSA) as part of their strategy…

…and let’s just say they never looked back!

The challenge

After experiencing a quiet period, Dinev’s Quick & Easy Removals wanted to quickly generate an influx of leads, to boost business once again.

A common challenge many small businesses face, is trusting new avenues of marketing that may not be familiar and therefore it’s unsure whether they will deliver the right results for their business.

However, after conversing with their experienced Account Manager, Ethan, who explained the benefits of LSAs in simple terms, Dinev’s Quick & Easy Removals were confident this strategy was right for them.

Our strategy

Having your local business visibly listed on Google, when a potential customer searches for services that you offer in the area, is essential for generating leads via Google.

With this in mind, our strategy was focused on creating awareness of the business spanning across Google Business Profile (GBP), Google Maps and Google Search.

The team initially worked on optimising their GBP to increase visibility of Dinev’s Quick & Easy Removals in London.

When the business experienced a quiet spell, our experts felt it was the perfect time to implement their Local Services Ads (LSA) strategy, to further increase visibility and boost leads in the local area.

The great thing about LSAs, is that you only pay per lead, meaning Dinev’s Quick & Easy Removals would only need to pay if a customer contacted them directly through the ads.

The ad’s provided Dinev’s Quick & Easy Removals with an opportunity to put themselves in front of people who were actively searching for the services they offer – allowing them to gain new customers through interactions from more credible leads.

The results

When the LSAs were launched, Dinev’s Quick & Easy Removals started to see an increase in leads within the first two weeks…

The results of the Local Services Ads speak for themselves…

– A total of 688 leads in 4 months, 24 leads in the initial month and 225 leads the following month

– 24% conversion rate 

– 72% increase on maps ranking

Following this success, Dinev’s Quick & Easy Removals have continued their partnership with Add People, looking to strengthen their position in their local area and dominate their competition!

Looking to grow your business?
Simple. Add People.

What the client said...

“Ethan Bennett made the difference! Ethan had new ideas and was always checking on how we were performing. He was also great to communicate with. Thank you for your help Ethan!”

Diyan Dinev
Director of Dinev's Quick & Easy Removals