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Blackbird Corporate

Blackbird Corporate quadruple their enquiries with NEW Google Ads campaigns…

increase in turnover
0 %
increase in enquiries
0 x
conversion rate
0 %

Blackbird Corporate offer first-class Microsoft 365 and SharePoint services to businesses in the UK and across Europe.

Back in 2021, they decided to team up with our Pay-Per-Click advertising experts in order to get their Google Ads campaigns back on track.

The challenge

At the time, Blackbird Corporate’s existing Google Ads campaigns were underperforming and not delivering the returns required to make it a sustainable avenue for the business.

One of the key issues here was that their ads were targeting the wrong people, meaning that they were being displayed to people who were looking for things unrelated to the services that they offer.

Another major issue was that ad tracking had not been set up correctly, meaning there was no data being collected from the ads.

Tracking is absolutely crucial to any ad campaign, it allows us to see exactly what type of searches are converting into customers and make better strategic decisions.

Our strategy

First up, our PPC team needed to address the tracking issue – getting it all set up and working correctly – which would be critical to measuring performance going forward.

They also got to work on redesigning their website, as their current one was not in great shape and not built for converting visitors into customers…

…it’s all well and good sending more traffic through to a website through ads, but if the experience when they get there is poor, then they’re extremely unlikely to convert.

Finally, brand new Google Ads campaigns were created, which were optimised for relevant search terms being used on Google – meaning that the ads would display to people actually looking for things relevant to Blackbird Corporate’s services.

The results

Since going live, the new Google Ads campaigns have delivered transformational results for Blackbird Corporate…

– Turnover has increased by 40%

– Enquiries have more than quadrupled over the last 2 years

– Campaign conversion rate increased from 1.96% to 10%

– Currently almost fully booked up until the new year

We absolutely love to see stories like this for our clients – it’s why we do what we do!

Looking to grow your business?
Simple. Add People.

What the client said...

“Turning to Add People to help with our Google Ads campaigns was the best decision I have made.”

Lisa Foster
Owner of Blackbird Corporate