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Auto Lease Compare

Social media ads drive thousands in website traffic for car lease comparison site
social users visiting the website in a month
enquiries a month
impressions in a month

Auto Lease Compare are a leading car leasing comparison site in the UK.

They were looking to drive (no pun intended!) more leads through paid social media advertising, knowing they could build on the customer base they’d already built.

In late 2020, they found their perfect social media agency in Add People – and have been growing ever since.

The challenge

Whilst Auto Lease Compare were generating a lot of leads, hardly any of these were coming from their social media pages.

The main challenge was therefore creating ads that were targeting the right people, who were genuinely interested in their services – in order to increase the volume of enquiries.

It was also essential that the leads were accurately tracked, so the performance of the ads could be monitored effectively.

Our strategy

‘Lead Generation’ was set as the objective across all ad campaigns, because this is best suited for… generating leads.

The Social Media team at Add People, set up a funnel system within their advertising campaigns, which enabled them to target the ads towards specific audiences.

Bold visuals were created in order to catch the attention of users and entice them to click on the ads. Additionally, the team ensured the user experience was to a high standard once users had clicked on the advert.

Their budget was also carefully managed and allocated across the ads, this would help to utilise it in the most effective places.

Facebook Pixel and Google Tag Manager were used to track ad performance so that return on investment could be accurately measured.

The results

The results are rather impressive. In just 7 months, the number of enquiries from social media ads has nearly trebled, to a point where Auto Lease Compare are receiving an average of 455 enquiries a month!

Furthermore, they are seeing an average of just over 10,000 website visitors every month through social media ads, with 868,341 impressions across their ads.

A partnership that is truly flourishing!

Looking to grow your business?
Simple. Add People.

What the client said...

“Add People have done a fantastic job in growing my social media presence and generating a high volume of enquiries. With having access to not only a social media account manager, but graphic designers and technical specialists as well, we have been able to measure success and grow.”

Chris Toumazos
Co-Founder at Auto Lease Compare