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International Women’s Day Interview – Rachel Greenhalgh

Artical By: Liam lrvine • 8 March 2022

In our second International Women’s Day interview, Rachel Greenhalgh, eCommerce Technical Manager, answers five questions surrounding her career in marketing and what #BreakTheBias means to her.

Watch the video or you can read the full transcript from the interview, below.

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International Women's Day Interview - Rachel Greenhalgh

Watch the full interview with eCommerce Technical Manager, Rachel Greenhalgh.

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1. Introduce yourself…

“I’m Rachel, I’m the eCommerce Technical Manager, here at Add People and I’ve been in the marketing industry for around 3 and a half years.”

2. What is your proudest achievement whilst working at Add People?”

“My proudest achievement is becoming the eCommerce Technical Manager.

With that, I’ve really seen the growth of the eCommerce team, since I’ve been here, we’ve gone from a team of about 7 people to now, around 40 people – which is amazing!”

3. Which women inspire you the most?

Jacinda Arden

“I’d say, Jacinda Arden, the Priminister of New Zealand.

She’s done an amazing job over the past two years, in particular – dealing with a very challenging time for the whole world (Covid-19 pandemic).”

Emma Watson

“I’m also, really inspired by Emma Watson.

I feel like she’s particularly relevant with International Women’s Day, with all her work with women’s rights – so yeah, she really inspires me!”!

4. How do you influence your colleagues around you and the wider business?

“Well, hopefully, by leading by example.

I feel like I’m quite an ambitious person and really hard-working, so hopefully I instil people in my team to do the same – inspiring them to progress and develop in the career that they want.”

5. This year’s International Women’s Day theme is #BreakTheBias, what does this mean to you?

“To me, it basically just means equality and everyone having equal opportunities no matter who they are.”

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