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International Women’s Day Interview – Antonia Busby 2

In the final interview of our International Women’s Day series, we speak to Recruitment Assistant, Antonia Busby.

She shares her thoughts on International Women’s Day, her proudest achievements, influential women, and discusses women’s rights.

Watch the video or you can read the full transcript from the interview, below.

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International Women's Day Interview - Antonia Busby

Watch the full interview with Recruitment Assistant, Antonia Busby.

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1. Introduce yourself…

“Hi, I’m Toni, I’m a Recruitment Assistant here at Add People and I’ve been working in the marketing industry for around 2 years now.”

2. What is your proudest achievement whilst working at Add People?

“I think my proudest achievement would have to be when I started my new role as a Recruitment Assistant.

I was really determined to prove myself and why I make a perfect fit for the role.

When I first started – along with the help of the amazing team around me – I ended up hiring four people within my first month in the role.

Going on to see them progress and achieve promotions, bonuses, etc. I think that is a real proud moment for me.”

3. Which women inspire you the most?

“I would have to say, my team around me – Kerry, Laura and Becky.

We really work hard to meet our targets – these girls work through lunches and sometimes stay late because we understand the growth of the business and where we want to be – they really do inspire me to do the same.”

4. How do you influence your colleagues around you and the wider business?

“I feel like I am influential because I’m very driven and determined – I’m really not scared to share my ideas, whether that be pitching to Directors or senior members of the business.

I love to put my ideas forward and because we have such an open-door policy, my ideas are always heard and I feel like they take on board what I have to say.”

5. This year’s International Women’s Day theme is #BreakTheBias, what does this mean to you?

“If you think about where women have come from, looking back in history, we weren’t allowed to vote, we were stay-at-home mums, looking after the home was our job.

Fast forward to today, the pay gap has decreased between men and women (there is still a way to go about this) and women are making career moves, moving up the ladder.

In the past, you would never have thought to see women being CEOs and Directors of companies – now, women are giving off ‘big boss energy!’”

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Check out our other International Women's Day interviews