0800 298 0586

About Us

Digital marketing made easier.

We’re Add People – a group of down-to-earth digital marketing experts specialising in budget-friendly campaigns that help small to medium-sized businesses grow.

Since we started out in 2002, we’ve grown considerably ourselves. Today our 221-strong team help drive traffic online to thousands of businesses, all over the world.

We’ve got partnerships with all the biggest names, from Google and Facebook to Microsoft and American Express, so we know exactly how to help you connect with customers online and grow your business.

Our Partners...

“Add People are a valued premier partner in our program and have an extremely high level of proficiency in helping local businesses improve their digital footprint and grow their business online with digital marketing.”

Asaf Paz, Agency Lead, Google UK

These are just some of the companies we've partnered with...

Our values

Company values aren’t just nice sounding words or phrases. We keep it simple with four key ideas, behaviours, or skills that we expect everyone to live up to on a daily basis.


An agreement between people to work together towards a common goal.


The feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone.


A high level of knowledge or skill.


Not only reacting to change when it happens.

Add People & Anthony Inspires

Anthony partnered with Add People to boost his digital marketing after a call from our Head of Sales two years ago..he took a little convincing at first, but he’s never looked back…

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It’s not all about us though, is it?

We know you’re the expert in your field. When people choose to work with us, we want it to be a partnership, not just as a client. We’re all working to help your business flourish, what you grow, we grow. It’s a win-win.

Think of it as parachuting in a digital marketing expert to look after things, whilst you get down to business.

We’re confident in what we do, which is why we don’t want to confuse you with jargon just to sound impressive. We stay clear of any overly technical speak and focus on results for your business. Leads and sales. That’s the top and bottom of it, right?

We take all the hard work of digital marketing off your plate – we know you’re busy people and so why add to that burden with extra digital headache? Hand that all to us and feel free to get on with everything else your business demands.

From plumbers to dance schools, we help all kinds of SMEs tap into digital marketing.

Your personal digital marketing experts

We understand that the world of digital marketing can feel overwhelming and the day-to-day handling and management can feel like a full-time job in itself. At Add People we offer aspiring businesses across the globe a way to tap into a world of digital marketing know-how.

“Ten thousand hours (practice) is the magic number of greatness.”

Malcolm Gladwell

Ok, so Malcom has been misquoted a few times on this, but we’ve put in the hours to achieve expert status. Thousands of hours. Across thousands of marketing campaigns.

And you name it, we’ve got an expert for it. From SEOpay-per-clicklocal marketingeCommerceSocial Media, and beyond!

What people say about us…

Ducati Spacers

Californian retailer of custom-designed motorcycle parts revved up their marketing with Add People. Find out about Kevin’s experience in his own words.

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What people say about us…

Eli's Western Wear

Roland and Lynda are Okeechobee, Florida natives who enjoy their ranch lifestyle and run Eli’s Western Wear, the best and most complete western store for the working cowboy! They gave their marketing the “giddy up” with Add People. Hear their story.

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What people say about us…

The Wedding Pianist

How we took The Wedding Pianist’s site from 77 unique users a month, to roughly 11,000!

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Featured case study

Optimised Shopping campaigns are opening the door for Knobbles & Bobbles’ success

Building on a successful career in the manufacturing and direct selling of furniture, Lucy Chadwick sought to set up a business that would fit around her family. She knew it needed to be furnishings-related and based around a product that was small enough to post through Royal Mail. The product she chose was door knobs – and Knobbles & Bobbles was born.


Increase in conversion


Jump in website sales between July ‘18-’19


Increase in visibility in 6 months

We're proud of our reputation