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Advanced Alternatives Center

Advanced Alternatives Center take their sales to new levels with the help of Add People’s Ecommerce experts…

increase in revenue from Google Ads (year-on-year)
0 %
increase in sales (year-on-year)
0 %
Return On Ad Spend throughout 2023
0 %+

Advanced Alternatives Center (AAC) supply a wide range of specialty supplements, natural remedies, and organic health products through their website.

They have been partnered with Add People’s eCommerce Team for around 3 years now, but around one year ago, they undertook a new strategy with their new Account Manager, Kit Giroux.

Continue below, to find out why they were the perfect fit!

The challenge

When AAC initially came on board they had little experience with Google Ads and their campaigns were not performing in the way they hoped.

Our eCommerce experts quickly turned this around and their campaigns grew in both sales and revenue.

About one year ago, AAC were looking to grow their Google Ads campaigns even further, so it was decided that a new strategy and fresh ideas were the best option…

Step forward, Kit Giroux!

Our strategy

Kit began by deep-diving into the performance data of their ad campaigns and from this, was able to identify the best-performing products and also spot opportunities for growth with lesser-performing products.

Furthermore, Kit reassessed the budget allocation and strategically targeted certain products that would yield the most returns for AAC.

However, they did encounter a hurdle.

Google Merchant Center has very strict rules and sometimes products can be disapproved if they violate Google’s policies – meaning no ads can be shown for them.

Some of AAC’s best-selling products were being disapproved for being ‘pharmaceuticals’ – even though this was not the case.

Reassuring AAC throughout this issue was Marlene Silva, – one of our Ecommerce Technical Assistants – who was working alongside Kit.

She was able to ensure that AAC’s products were set up correctly and walk the client through any hurdles, step-by-step.

Furthermore, using our Premier Partner status with Google, Marlene liaised with Google and got these best-sellers back in front of active online shoppers!

The results

The new strategy from Kit and the technical expertise from Marlene have delivered some fantastic year-on-year results for AAC (from only a 13% increase in ad spend)!

– 62% increase in sales

– 51% increase in revenue

– 30% reduction in Cost Per Acquisition

– 33% increase in Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)

– ROAS level consistently above 600% across 2023

– 31% increase in total revenue through their online store


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Simple. Add People.

What the client said...

“I have been working with Kit Giroux for many months now, and he is the best marketing rep I have worked with in my 25 years in business! He has been able to increase my sales significantly, much faster than anyone else I have worked with. He is kind, always on time to our meetings and a pleasure to conduct business with. I appreciate the relationship we have.”

Tanya Beck
Owner of Advanced Alternatives Center