0800 298 0586

Ennis & Brown

Custom table manufacturer reach MILLIONS through Facebook Advertising campaigns…

people reached in 4 months
0 M+
website page engagements in 4 months
0 M+
new landing page views in 4 months

Established in 1989, Ennis & Brown manufacture and deliver custom-made wooden tables across the UK.

In late 2022, they teamed up with Add People, looking for help with their Facebook Advertising campaigns.

The challenge

After consulting with our Social Media Experts, it was clear that there was a problem with receiving a high number of irrelevant requests through their Facebook Messenger – which was wasting a lot of time in having to go through them.

As well as this, they were receiving a lot of requests that were far away from where they were based; despite delivering across the UK, Ennis & Brown wanted to focus on targeting customers that were closer to home – as serving further afield incurred much larger delivery costs.

Our Social Media Team had just the solution…

Our strategy

New Facebook Ad campaigns were created, which were designed to encourage people to directly contact Ennis & Brown through Messenger.

The team also set up automated responses within Messenger, which helped filter out the less relevant messages and ensured the leads were of higher quality – saving them precious time that could now be used in running other areas of their business.

Location targeting was also refined so that their ads were only being shown to potential customers in a specified radius (closer to where they are based).

The results

Since implementing these changes, Ennis & Brown have seen some incredible results…

– Reached audience from their ads increased by over 35% (over 3 million in just 4 months)

– Over 1 million individual page engagements on their website (in just 4 months)

– 31,783 views of their new landing page

– Cost-per-click reduced by 9%

– Significant increase in quality of leads through Messenger

Looking to grow your business?
Simple. Add People.

What the client said...

“Maeve on Google, and Travis on Facebook, have been a pivotal part of growth over the past 4 months, they have been so helpful and they have been there to answer any questions I have going forward. Noticed a big change in sales, and lots of enquiries constantly coming through, so I can’t recommend the service enough so far.”

Nick Brown
Founding Director of Ennis & Brown