0800 298 0586

Wood Floor Store

Irish flooring company boost online footfall with the help of our SEO Experts!

increase in organic conversion rate
0 %
increase in Ecommerce revenue
0 %
increase in website visitors
0 %

Wood Floor Store is a flooring company based in Ireland, that partnered with both Add People’s SEO and Ecommerce departments, just over 12 months ago.

Prior to coming on board, they were looking to improve their website traffic and also improve the rate at which these visits converted into sales.

Our Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) package within our SEO service was the perfect fit!

Let’s take a look at how it turned out…

The challenge

Wood Floor Store set our CRO Experts the challenge of improving their online visibility in Ireland, along with increasing conversions into sales and revenue across their website.

Our strategy

In order to make their website fine-tuned to convert website visits into sales, the team quickly identified areas that they could improve.

As well as improving their website, the CRO team also began targeted SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) work and it was clear there was a massive opportunity to grow their visibility.

After extensive keyword research, our experts began to place highly valuable keywords throughout the content on their website.

This meant that when users searched for these keywords on Google, Wood Floor Store’s website would begin to show in the results pages…

…and it did not take long for the results to come!

The results

Wood Floor Store began to rank in the top positions for thousands (yes, THOUSANDS!) of high-value keywords – massively increasing their visibility on search engines like Google.

Organic conversion rates (website visitors who went on to take actions on their website, like making a purchase) increased by 71% – resulting in an increase in revenue from organic traffic by 30%.

This also had a positive impact on their paid ad campaigns, resulting in an increase in conversion rate by 33% and an increase in revenue from these campaigns by 88%.

Looking to grow your business?
Simple. Add People.

What the client said...

“We’re with Add People on multiple packages, including Ecom and SEO. The UX work has helped us grow our business and support these traffic avenues, whilst also improving our conversion rate. Add People help keep us up to date with the latest technology and marketing strategies, that keep us competitive in Ireland and beyond. We have had decent results, but the biggest surprise was how much I have learned from them, and in turn, I’ve used that knowledge to better and grow my business.”

Stephen Lovett
Managing Director at Wood Floor Store