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Power Tool Services

Power Tool Services build perfect Facebook ad campaigns with Add People

revenue generated in 2 weeks
£ 0 +
return on ad spend (ROAS)
0 %
website visitors

Based in South Africa, Power Tool Services were looking for assistance with getting their Facebook ads up and running.

Having previously tried running Facebook ads themselves, they sought after expert help and signed up for a 6-week trial with our Social Media team.

It’s fair to say, the impact was immediate…

The challenge

The team began by discussing Power Tool Services’ goals and also conducting an initial audit of their social media – identifying key areas for improvement.

Competing in a market with plenty of other established brands, their main goal was to stand out from the crowd and increase their presence amongst their competitors.

Implementing the right targeting and producing scroll-stopping creatives, would be critical to increasing their brand awareness.

Our strategy

Our experienced social media experts began producing highly-impactful and bright visuals, that would stand out from Power Tool Services’ competitors.

Research has shown that 93% of shoppers choose products based on visual appearance, so this was really important to get right.

The purpose was to see a dramatic improvement in their exposure amongst these other brands and ultimately lead to more sales.

The client was using a Dynamic Carousel format, which was working quite well for them, so we decided to build on this and ensure that the audiences were laser-focused on targetting the right people who would be interested in their products.

The results

This resulted in a quick boost to performance with two campaigns running on a daily spend of 250 Rand (£12) that have generated 193,487.80 Rand in revenue (£9,769)!

Since joining Add People at the end of July 2022 to work on Social Media:

– £9,000+ revenue in just over 2 weeks

– £4,860% return on ad spend (ROAS)

– 2,218 website visitors

Looking to grow your business?
Simple. Add People.

What the client said...

“The results are fantastic to see after just 2 weeks of my ads being live. I’m even getting compliments from my customers about how good the ads look. Great job, thank you!”

Bruce Shadwell
Director at Power Tool Services