0800 298 0586

L&R Renewables

L&R Renewables’ re-energised marketing campaigns generate massive returns

in revenue through paid advertising (over 6-week trial)
£ 0
return on ad spend (over 6-week trial)
0 %
in website sales (over 6-week trial)
£ 0

L&R Renewables were struggling to generate leads and sales of their eco-friendly energy products.

With their existing Smart Shopping and Search campaigns not resulting in a great deal of interest or conversions, the business decided to join forces with the eCommerce team at Add People for a 6-week trial.

The decision to invest in expert marketing help would ultimately prove worthwhile…

The challenge

After introductory discussions with the client about the business, it was evident that there were problems with their old Smart Shopping campaign, as it was not seeing enough return for their investment.

In addition, their Search campaign was receiving irrelevant traffic which wasn’t converting into desired actions (e.g. calls, contact forms, or purchases), wasting precious ad budget.

Essentially, it was clear that their budget wasn’t being spent in the most profitable way.

Furthermore, the team identified that no tracking had been set up on L&R Renewables’ eCommerce site.

Tracking is absolutely essential to running successful Google Ads campaigns, as without this set up properly, businesses have no way of knowing where exactly their traffic is coming from.

This data is so important for aiding strategic marketing decisions.

Our strategy

Following the diagnosis of these problems, the team chose to pause the existing Smart Shopping campaign and implement two standard Shopping campaigns (a best-sellers & a catch-all) instead.

The major benefit of this transition in campaign type, is that you have more control over how much you bid on individual ads – whereas, with Smart campaigns this is all automated by Google.

So, by examining historic sales data and speaking to the client, the team decided to place L&R Renewables’ best-selling battery systems into their own campaign.

Meanwhile, their remaining products (that were not performing as well) were set up within their own ‘catch-all’ campaign.

In addition to the standard Shopping campaigns, the team then turned their attention to optimising L&R Renewables’ Search campaign.

The eCommerce experts removed under-performing, budget-sapping keywords, and added newly-researched keywords to improve the quality of the campaign.

These changes were implemented to help increase the amount of relevant traffic visiting their website, targeting those users that would be more interested in making a purchase.

The results

The campaign changes quickly produced some outstanding results, receiving 78 calls and 44 contact form fills from their paid ads, in the space of just a few weeks.

After 4 weeks of the campaigns going live…

– £108,750 revenue (through paid advertising)

– 7,526% return on ad spend

– £12,300 in website sales

Having initially only signed up for a 6-week eCommerce trial, L&R Renewables were so impressed by the results, they have subsequently decided to invest in a longer-term partnership with our eCommerce team.

Looking to grow your business?
Simple. Add People.

What the client said...

“We couldn’t be happier with the results of the new campaigns from the eCommerce team at Add People. We loved working alongside them throughout our 6-week trial and were extremely impressed with the service. Anna, our Account Manager, has been fantastic and we are delighted to continue our partnership with them.”
Luke Green
Company Director at L&R Renewables