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Knobbles & Bobbles

Increase in conversion
0 %
jump in website sales between July ‘18-’19
0 %
increase in visibility in 6 months
0 %

Building on a successful career in the manufacturing and direct selling of furniture, Lucy Chadwick sought to set up a business that would fit around her family.

She knew it needed to be furnishings-related and based around a product that was small enough to post through Royal Mail.

The product she chose was door knobs – and Knobbles & Bobbles was born.

The challenge

The family-run business aimed to bring beauty to everyday furniture – and to do so at an affordable price.

K&B soon became popular with homeowners who wanted to change their decor quickly and easily and achieve maximum effect for minimum money.

Even as the business made its first sale, on eBay in November 2013, Lucy had her sights set on the future.

When K&B outgrew her garage she moved into industrial premises and created her own website, knobblesandbobbles.com.

Last year, she teamed up with Add People – specifically the SEO and eCommerce PPC teams – to further increase visibility, grow sales across channels and bring down CPA.

The first challenge was getting the product in front of more people.

We prioritised advertising on Google Shopping, getting to work reviewing existing campaigns and identifying themes and trends.

Lucy’s existing marketing was generating sales, but she needed to reduce the CPA.

Specifically, mobile campaigns were seeing lots of traffic but not converting at a high enough rate

Our strategy

To tackle this, we devised showcase campaigns to capitalise on the 110k generic searches for ‘door knobs’.

We chose search terms that were superspecific, such as ‘Moroccan door knobs’, to target the customers most likely to convert.

We then dived into the data to find out which time slots saw the most conversions and built schedules with this in mind.

Finally, we added a wealth of product information to Shopping ads, including colour, material and title.

The results

Knobbles & Bobbles has grown in leaps and bounds since Add People came on board, now appearing on Shopping, Display, YouTube and Gmail.

“The improvement in visibility has been phenomenal – up 1108% in just six months,” Lucy reports.

Not only did combining campaigns across channels save on budget, it also increased footfall and drove up the clickthrough rate.

The conversion rate went up by 39% and sales rose by 926% between July 2018 and July 2019.

The new quality of traffic has greatly reduced inefficient spending and the addition of bidding scripts has maximised transactions throughout the day.

As Lucy puts it, “it’s a different ballgame.”

Rowan Todd, Head of Paid Search at Add People, says: “After ensuring the product feed adhered to Google’s best practices, we saw a massive uplift in traffic, a reduced cost per click and a better position on Google Shopping.”

The store now appears in the top three in Shopping for search terms such as ‘door knobs’, alongside giants like Amazon and Etsy.

Knobbles & Bobbles is proving that good things do come in small packages.

Read more of this story on ads.google.com.

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What the client said...

“Utilising Google’s Smart Shopping Campaigns has had the biggest impact on improving revenue and increasing sales by over 900% in one year.”

Lucy Chadwick
Owner of Knobbles & Bobbles