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Add People shortlisted for UK Employer of the Year by Investors in People.

Add People has made the final shortlist for The Award for UK Employer of the Year: Platinum in The Investors in People Awards 2022.

In a record-breaking year for entries, with over three hundred organisations involved, this is an outstanding achievement and one that everyone at Add People is proud of.

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"Reaching the final shortlist is a testament to the amazing commitment these organisations are making to make work better ," Paul Devoy, CEO of Investors in People.

Investing in people and culture

The Investors in People Awards celebrate the very best organisations and individuals from around the world across various organisational, people, wellbeing and leadership categories.

Each year hundreds of organisations from the UK and abroad battle it out to take home one of the sought-after trophies to show their award-winning commitment to #MakeWorkBetter.

Kerry Matthewman, Associate Director at Add People said

It is a privilege to be shortlisted for this award; a clear indication of the dedication and hard work the team has invested in the business. It rubber-stamps what we already knew, that each and every member of the team contributes to the culture of Add People; pulling in the same direction to achieve Investors in People Platinum, and now to be shortlisted for UK Employer of the Year. We’ve risen above all the challenges of the past few years, and for our culture to come out the other side unscathed and, if anything, even better than before is a super achievement.”

Paul Devoy, CEO of Investors in People, commented:
In what has been the biggest and most competitive year so far, it always makes me feel immensely proud to see so many fantastic organisations and individuals staking their claim to be the best. And every year, the entries do get more and more competitive and the judging even tighter. Reaching the final shortlist is a testament to the amazing commitment these organisations are making to make work better for their people, and they truly deserve this recognition.”

I’m pleased as punch. To achieve Investors in People Platinum and for that to result in this award nomination as one of the UK’s Top Employer’s is a wonderful achievement by everyone at Add People.  

Kerry Matthewman, Associate Director, Add People.

The Winners will be announced at a black tie gala ceremony on the 15th November at Old Billingsgate in London.

For the full shortlist and more information about Investors in People please visit www.investorsinpeople.com/awards-2022/

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