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6 signs you need a PPC Account Management Agency

Businesses have used different forms of PPC advertising for many years and found that, when implemented correctly, is a great way to drive qualified traffic to your website and help boost sales. 

PPC advertising allows you to get your adverts in front of the right people at the right time and can be used on platforms such as Google, Amazon, Bing & Facebook Ads.

On top of this, you have control over what search terms you want to appear for based on your customer’s needs, wants, and what stage in the marketing funnel you want to target. 

In today’s market, marketing has become more complex than ever and new channels are being added regularly making it increasingly difficult for business owners to run their business and be experts in marketing. 

On top of this, PPC advertising is now so popular that even small businesses with minimal budgets are now ready to invest in it. 

PPC advertising is a great marketing tool if you want to have control over your budget, but only if you have the time to maintain your ads and continue to optimise them. 

So, what are your options? You could get into and learn PPC on your own, hire and train an in-house team or you could outsource this to a PPC Account Management Agency. 

If you’re thinking about outsourcing, we’ve put together the top 6 questions we think you should ask yourself before deciding which route to take.

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Here are 6 signs that you need a PPC Account Management Agency

We encourage you to think about your answers to allow you to make an informed decision on which PPC route is best for you and your business.

Do you have the time to check your campaigns and ads at least twice per week?

We know PPC advertising is an effective way of marketing to your customers online and its need for regular monitoring (ideally daily) is where it can become time consuming. 

If you’re unable to set aside the time to optimise your campaign, then you run the risk of having a campaign that doesn’t fulfil its potential. 

We understand that your primary focus is on the growth and management of your business, which means considering hiring a PPC Account Management Agency to work on your marketing campaigns is a sure fire way to free you up to achieve your goals whilst getting you more qualified leads. 


Why are conversions important?

If you are getting a high CTR but your conversion rate is low, there could be an issue with your landing page.

Is your landing page relevant to the campaign and is it clear what you want the customer to do?

This could be filling out a contact form, downloading a document, making a purchase amongst other things. 

Google and other search engines will rank your landing page based on a number of factors.

Some of which are; mobile responsiveness, making sure your page adds value and ensuring all relevant information features on the page. 

The higher ranking your landing page, the higher the likelihood of getting conversions.

A good PPC Account Management Agency will be experts in landing page creation and will be able to help you optimise this. 

Do your existing campaigns have a low click through rate, low conversions or a low quality score?

If your ads have low CTR, conversions and quality score, your campaign will struggle to give you a significant ROI. 

For context, the average CTR for Google Ads in 2023 was 6.11%, the average conversion rate was 7.04% and the quality score should always be “great” by using relevant and catchy headlines and descriptions.

Please note that this is the average across all industries but can vary greatly depending on how competitive your particular industry is.

Why are click through rates important?

If your ads aren’t eye-catching enough to entice potential customers to click through to your landing page or website, then your campaign is unlikely to give you the return you are after. 

You need to write compelling ad copy with a strong CTA to engage your audience and encourage them to click through and convert.

You need to stand out from the crowd and make your ad unique. This is where a PPC Account Management Agency would help you. 

Why do I need a high quality score?

A quality score is a way for search engines to give you an insight into how well your ad quality compares to other advertisers. 

A higher quality score means that your ad and landing page are more useful and relevant to someone searching for your keyword compared to other advertisers in the last 90 days.

This means your score can change periodically based on how your competitors are performing.

This highlights the need for regular review of your own campaign and ads and how you need to ensure they are always optimised to maximise conversions.

Are you currently spending more time being reactive over proactive?

Spending your time reacting to updates or problems in your Google Ads Account can be very time consuming, and mixed with running a successful business it can mean that you are always on playing catch up with your campaigns. 

Instead of spending your time reacting to your campaign, you should have a team that is proactively looking into upcoming industry trends or Google platform updates so that you can stay ahead of the curve. 

Being proactive and hiring a PPC Account Management Agency will help to reduce your waste spend, keep your campaign optimised and stay ahead of your competitors.


Do you feel like you are falling behind your competitors?

Competition is fierce in many industries and it can be frustrating when your competitors are appearing for keywords where your ads are nowhere to be found.

This is almost always due to the fact the account is underperforming and can be fixed by having an experienced team or agency working on it regularly. 

Trying to optimise your account with inexperienced staff could lead to missed opportunities, wasted ad spend and ultimately, falling behind your competition. And nobody wants that.

Hiring a good PPC Account Management Agency will provide you with expert knowledge and ideas to improve your campaign performance, get ahead of your competitors and reduce spend (win win).

Are your current keywords not showing your ad?

Keyword research is a very important part of the campaign planning process and will help you find which keywords you should target and provides insight into what specific queries your target audience is searching for and how many searches like that are performed each month.

How you select and implement your keywords can be the difference between a successful or unsuccessful campaign.

The insight you gain from your research should be used to drive your marketing strategy and the creative you use in your specific campaigns. 

For example, there are 3 ways you can implement keywords in your campaign, exact match, phrase match and broad match.

All 3 have pros and cons depending on your goals and industry and knowing when to use them will help you massively. 

There are lots of keyword research tools available to you for free or for a small fee (our favourites are AhrefsSEMrush and Google keyword planner) but as this stage is crucial, if you are unsure, we would definitely recommend contacting a PPC Account Management Agency to help you. 


Do you have the budget to hire an in-house team?

It won’t be news to you that finding, recruiting and training staff is one of the most expensive things businesses do. 

Hiring an in-house team of marketing professionals can set you back a lot of money with the average marketing manager salary in 2023 being between £37k and £53k per annum and it taking an average of 55 days from job advert to offer to hire. 

Most PPC Account Management agencies (like Add People) have the knowledge and expertise to keep your campaigns optimised and at the top of the search engine results page without having to train an in-house team.

A PPC management team would be expected to manage all aspects of the campaign which will mean you may need to recruit multiple staff if you wanted to do it in house. They will be responsible for things like:

Keyword research

Writing Ad copy

Remarketing campaigns

Optimising for clicks and conversions

Conduct analysis on campaign performance

Create and optimise a landing page

Bid management 

Hiring a PPC Account Management agency could give you maximum results for a fraction of the cost that recruiting a full team would. 

On top of the cost saving, you would also save time by hiring a professional agency to help you as you wouldn’t need to spend the time recruiting and training someone.

An agency could get straight on to building you the perfect campaign for your business. 

We hope that this blog has been thought provoking and helped you to weigh up whether a PPC Account Management Agency is right for you and your business. 

At Add People, we pride ourselves on our expertise, knowledge and ability to help all small businesses with PPC Management. 

If you would like to find out more about what we offer or about how we can help you, click the link below.

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